Reality Show Life Coach
The Reality Show Life Coach is the podcast for people who want to have fun combining their love of Reality TV with self-help. In each episode Certified Life Coach Lynn Grogan brings on a special guest to provide expert coaching advice the contestants (desperately) need. You might just find a few things along the way that are useful to you!
Reality Show Life Coach
Trust Mode with Lynn Grogan | Survivor S45 E12
What are the rules of a showmance? If you're tied romantically to someone, does that mean you're morally obligated to tell them the truth, even if it impacts your game? That's my biggest question this week as we forge ahead next week to the season finale!
Interested in 1:1 life coaching with Lynn Grogan? Click here for details: https://lynngrogan.com/work-with-me/
Follow Lynn Grogan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynngrogan/
Original music by David Delaney of The Whiskey Boys: https://www.whiskeyboys.com
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